Phil Felicia brings 20 years of playing experience to the table, perfectly blending fire and feel in equal portions. After moderate success in LA with the bands Anthem and Rage in Eden, Phil moved to Seattle in 1992 after realizing that in LA you "have to become a shark or get eaten by one." After years of stagnation in Seattle, Phil has finally found a home in Dead But Dreaming. "In today's hodgepodge of manufactured knockoff bands and TV produced 'idols,' it's good to find somebody who knows what music means," he says.
Phil works as a warehouse supervisor, and when not involved in music enjoys outdoor activities, political activism and video games.
Albums I Could Not Live Without: Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull, Close to the Edge by Yes, Killers by Iron Maiden
Favorite Guitarists: Steve Morse, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, anybody who has ever moved me with a guitar
Favorite Food: Anything that does not contain meat
Favorite View Around Town: The bluff at 75th and 32nd.
Ibanez Jem Custom
Mesa Boogie TriAxis Preamp
Peavy Classic 5050 Amp
BBE Sonic Maximizer
TC Electronics G Major